Saturday, April 02, 2005

Gardner's Journal -- Peace and other baggage

She was born in France in the last years before World War II and was able to escape by hiding away in the luggage of an American diplomat right before the Nazi conquest. Later, she returned to her home land after the liberation of France where she attended the organizational meetings of the United Nations.

She has had other aliases, such as "Madame Antoine Meilland", "Gloria Dei" and "Gioia".

She is now reigning in my garden where she stands in front of a small structure that I built from old twigs.

I carefully cut off the shoots from these twigs as a reminder that healing begins often with the pain of letting go, of having ones dead parts stripped away. Only the Gardner can remake the wayward gangly twig into a strong straight limb that can stand up under the weight of Peace.

When I planted her, I was on my knees praying. At this site I surrendered my "right" for a fair world, a just life and my own desire to take matters in my own hands.

It is my prayer that she will grace me and others with her Peace.

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