Martin Scorcese's film, "The Aviator" starring DiCaprio is a must see. Even if you don't enjoy flying, Hollywood's glamour days or Howard Hughes trivia, this movie will make you re-think all that.
It's probably the best film I've seen DiCaprio as he plays the eccentric billionaire as both darkly driven and racuously visionary.
What really "takes off" in this film is the story of Howard Hughes, which is what all good story-telling will do. It doesn't center on the great performances of its cast, which it has plenty to boast. It makes you want to read up on the great Texan who despite all his success called himself an aviator first and foremost.
It also is wonderful to see a film that is lavishly done as only Scorcese can do...evoking the old Hollywood glamour, complete with lavish sets and deep set red lipstick.
Don't miss it...but take a snack. The 3-hour movie can drag in some places but sustains overall.