Thursday, March 10, 2005

Practical Jokes, lil brother style

If you've never had 4 brothers --- all of them younger -- you may not appreciate this entry. Because only if you have had brothers, would you understand the real meaning of "practical joke".

My brothers always make me laugh and they always surprise me. Today was no exception.

Got an email from my brother Jon, who asked for my fax #. Since my fax is not working, I gave him the number of a UPS store nearby.

A few hours later, I get a call from the UPS store. The usual friendly clerk sounded a bit different on the phone, but I thought little of it.

When I picked up the fax, she smiled and wouldn't catch my eye. She then said, "looks like an interesting fax". I looked at her curiously.

Then I read the cover letter. See, I was not thinking and told my brother, BE SURE TO PUT A COVER LETTER ON IT...thinking, that would be an easy enough thing to do.

I forgot with whom I was dealing...I forgot to think that I gave him a GREAT entry into a great joke, with the laugh on me.

So, I look down at the fax and the cover letter reads, "Maurie and Dan -- GLAD to have you as part of our swingers club....we know you'll make great addition to our club and our events".

I tried to explain to my UPS friend that this was from my little brother, but that didn't seem to help.

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