Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Today, we learned that my husband has been "terminated" from his 18 years of employment.

We had been somewhat expecting it, as the industry has been spiraling downward for some time. Yet, there is a finality that is somewhat surprising and also freeing.

I just want to surround him with good things right now and so I've kept my head down today and worked and will work more tomorrow. We have to acknowledge the blessings of having had a great job for this long -- many people don't have that. We have and Dan is to be thanked for that. He is a solid, consistent worker.

So here we are -- middle aged, kids out of braces, into cars and soon college. A certain turning point in all our lives...what will we do?

I have no answers, but I know the One who does. And He is good all the time.

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