Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Old Gray (Computer) is dead

I know that water and electronics don't mix. So why did I insist upon having my cereal right there by my laptop?

It's because my laptop is a part of me. Not only for business but for personal use...I write all the time, on my online journal, here at my blog...writing for me is breathing.

Truth be known, I started my own business 13 years ago and the dream then was to make enough money to perhaps go back to school, learn how to write.

Little did I know that learning to write was a lot about experiencing life...which I have done, some, and have learned how better to do. Writing is now a part of who I am.

I don't know if I'm much good or not. I've been working with someone who is helping me develop ideas and on Monday we are getting "jiggy" with it. Finally, finally someone who can hel me take all the ruminations in my head and make some sense of them! It's like finding someone with a map or at least a compass.

But today, I was busy finding a new computer -- thank GOD for Dell Computers! In a day or so, I'll have a new companion who I hope will be as helpful as the old one has been.

For now, I am "jerry-rigging" my laptop with a stolen keyboard from another home computer. We have more computers in my house than'd think that finding a computer to use wouldn't be much of an issue.

But a personal computer is just that. It's like looking in someone else's purse when you don't have your own that doesn't "feel" right, it doens't work right.

I know this sounds like a spoiled American talking -- and I guess I am. I was drug kicking and screaming into the internet revolution by my geek-y husband (love those geeks!). Now, I can' t imagine not having my laptop. The new edition is sleeker, with more power and more "ram" and easier to travel. I still have my treo (blackberry) for quick use on the road but for more business applications, I'll stick to my keyboard.

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