Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Book recommendation

I completed a wondeful book by Kathleen Brehony (http://www.jonesbrehony.com/kathleen/kathleen.html) recently.
There is a chapter on "The Life of the Spirit: Prayer, Meditation, and Being" which speaks clearly to me...here's an excerpt:

Spiritual beliefs are seen as somehow separate from the rest of our life. Spirituality and religion in our culture are relegated to specific times and places in our daily schedule. We may believe that when we go to church or temple or mosque we are in touch with our spiritual self while at all other times we perceive the world and behave according to the secular values of our society. But this is our cultural distortion, for none of the major religious systems has ever suggested this dichotomy between what we believe spiritually and how we live. Like creativity, spirituality is more about attitude and intention, a prevailing worldview, than specific activities; true spiritual enlightment is about who we are and are becoming, about being rather than doing.

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