Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day

I'm sitting in my office surrounded by a big stuffed teddy, about 100 Snoopy cards, candy litters
my desk and flowers are sitting in a vase. I walked in and my study had been transformed
into a den of love. My husband has learned that on this day-- only two things matter...lots of chocolate and lots of flowers. He got it perfect this year...and snoopy cards were just an
extra fun touch. I wonder if I'll ever find all of them..they are hidden everywhere!

Last night my daughter and I made her first every "from scratch" chocolate cake -- absolutely
divine. It is a two-tier cake and it quite literally melts in my mouth. She doesn't like the
"sissy" box cakes, she says.

I gave a speech today for a speech contest -- and won-- my topic: Modern Love. I pulled
from over 20 years of relationships with Dan and the kids. I get to "re-do" it for a regional
contest in May -- hope the kinks are worked out of it by then and Dan can hear it.

I am basking in the love of those that mean the most to me...and it feels great. When I was young and my family was a mess, I would dream of having the kind of family that I have is a good day to celebrate that gift.

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