Friday, February 18, 2005


"Maybe that's all a family really is; a group of people who miss the same imaginary place."

This is one of the great quotes from "Garden State"...which I am now proud to say I own the listening to it as I write this. Heady stuff.

I have been immersed in music since I've been on the road...picked up the Los Lonely Boys grammy-winning album, and dug through some of my older CD's that I've had at the bottom of my listening bag. Music feeds my soul...not always healthy food, true. But good stuff.

I stayed in Dallas with a friend, where I think I was the only 40 year old or over in a 3 mile swath. Everyone in her neighborhood is a "hottie"...young, urban, wouldn't know a facial wrinkle if they had one, well, right under their nose. I remember those days -- wouldn't go back if you paid me -- but does make one feel really ancient to be around a bunch of "under thirties".

Reaching 40 gives one the right to say "this is my life, and I'll live it how I please, thank you, even if that means that I'm not the most fashionable place, dress the most fashionably..." Wonder what 50 will bring?

Heard from an old friend on the phone on the way home...he sounded sad, and he was, I miss him.

It's just good to be home. Will turn up the stereo and bask in the lovliness of being home with those that I love.

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