Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Getting ready

I'm saving a lot of tracks into my computer so that I can have my favorite songs at my fingertips. I'm getting ready for the next 5 months...with a top trip on the line.

I've not yet taken a top director trip and I really want to take Dan on this trip...it's to Greece, a cruise, and we both love history, so it would be a lot of fun. Also, we're celebrating 20 years of being married this year and what a way to celebrate...free! On a top trip, with no holds barred.

So, I've been working on my plan...and its starting to take shape... it's different than I thought it would be, it's better. I am constantly amazed at how short sighted I am and how bigger things are always better...and ways that I can't always see.

I've also been working on some reading...I've been doing more readings from classical theologians (Nouwen, Watchman Nee) and current, including NTWright

I don't know if I agree with all his destinations and conclusions, but that's not really the point...he has a lot of good things to say, and I'm trying to get my mind around them.

I find that when I'm immersed in music, art, writing, my life hums along better. Sometimes, I forget to feed my soul, and then I experience a poverty of spirit that is like desert in August...and all it takes is a poem, a book, an album to turn it around. God speaks in so many ways -- I see Him in great movies, great literature and in music. Not any of the "official" places, maybe, but ways that I see Him.

And yes, it does make sense that i see Him where I'm looking...and that is both enlightning and convicting.

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