Saturday, December 04, 2004

One Proud Mama

My daughter played her first varisty bball game last night. What makes this especially exciting is that she is the only freshman on the varsity team and not only did she suit up, but she played in all four quarters.

Ellen's ability to be disciplined, along with a great couple of coaches (her dad and g'dad) , she is working towards her goal of going to Duke University along with playing National Ball.

My daughter has never lived in a world where there was no WNBA. She lives in a world where the Supreme Court has always had a woman. She lives in a world where her mother's friends are doctors, attorneys, mothers, community leaders.

Her world is much different than my own world and the world of the generation before me. She sees something, she sees women making progress in those fields and she sets her sights to be among them.

"Mom are you ready?" she just called to me. I agreed to take her to practice this morning.

Yes, Ellen, I'm ready. Let's go.

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