Sunday, November 28, 2004

Holiday Mayhem

Despite my best intentions, the holiday this week was merry and actually, enjoyable. Yes, I spent half the holiday in bed, wracked with fever and sick, but after sleeping it off, I enjoyed the rest and rejuvenation.

The best part, my kids were amazing. Ellen got the decorations out for the trees and got us all started on the merriment. And, Dan and Nathan got the lights on outside---almost.

I even went to church today, checked my box, smiled and left. Sermon topic -- "community", which almost made me gag. Church is is probably the last place I'd look for anything remotely considered community, unless one defines community as Abugrahb prison. My theory is this -- anytime you have to talk about community, it aint happening.

Still, the house looks beautiful, we even listened to holiday songs...tomorrow, finishing out the month end and working on December numbers.

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