Sunday, November 28, 2004

Highlights from NYT/Sunday

I read the NYT for so much more than is a virtual microcosm of socitial shifts and changes. I read it as much for the ideas as I do for the inspiration. It truly has a "pulse" on the nation. I'll be posting some highlights here later throughout the day...Sunday is my day to lounge around and read..something I've been doing a great deal of lately, actually. I'm a total reading slacker, I guess.

New York Magazine -- features articles on how marketers are squeezing out childhood because of the sophistication of their techniques.."tween strategy" is on every hot marketer's lips. This is due in part to the idea that marketers have realized that this age in children is not only profitable but it is yearning to seperate itself from older consumers (parents) to create their own community and identiy. Hmmm, nothing new, really, but someone is getting very rich on this idea. And is this a good thing or not for our kids? Well, like father like son, is the articles main point...we are a nation consumed with finding our idenity through logos and gadgets.

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