Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Merry, merry, merry

Good things came my way today. One of the best aspects of being in business for yourself is that you get clients that you really LOVE and they become like extended family.

I have been making a list of all the good friends that I've been blessed with this year which has been very encouraging. Think I'll keep it handy when I have one of those "Nobody likes me" days.

I went to church tonight and found it very uplifting. The teacher led us in some contemplative prayer, something that I have been practicing myself. I feel this has been one of the biggest blessings this year. Contemplative prayer is like looking at a painting from a distance and then, through meditation, you move closer to see the intricacies of the artist and the work. It's like beholding a masterpiece and "breathing it in". It allows me to see things that I never have seen before. My mentor for this has been Richard Peace in his book "Contemplative Bible Reading". I am truly an amateur, crawling in this new discipline and am finding it fascinating and truly spiritually fulfilling.

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