Thursday, September 15, 2005

What passes for normalcy...

Seems we're back to almost normal now. The headlines are less about Katrina and more about Britny. Even some of the lesser riske stars are getting some press.

I sometimes wonder what we really mean when we talk about something that is "lifechanging". It seems that I find a way back into my rut quick and easily even though major things have happened. Seismic shifts have taken place and I too quickly yawn and want to flip the channel.

While there is a sense of resiliency in the fact that we can bounce back, it kind of chills me too, that we can so easily become absorbed in trivialities. As if the "new" has worn off and we are looking for the next big "thing" to submerge ourselves in.

I tried to watch the hearings of Judge Roberts but in all honestly, I just wanted some good mud-slinging. I kept hoping that the "unflappable" Roberts would stand up and say to Senator Kennedy, "Nonya beeswax you Boston Bean". Since he kept his cool and didn't say too much of anything, it quickly became academic and I moved onto other more important things to watch, like the 92689 episode of "Law and Order". I think I sometimes feel more affection for the characters on the show than people I really know.

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