Monday, April 18, 2005

Next stop: PV, Mexico

It's official...I take my first sailing lesson later this week in the beautiful waters off Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. This has been a goal of mine for a long time. It's on my list of "things to do before I die, along with writing a novel, jumping out of a plane and assorted other ridiculous ideas.

I've bought my requisite materials and supplies. Windbreaker, sunscreen, the right kind of shoes.

Maybe I should research it more. Maybe I should sit my family down and review all the things that I'm going to do. Maybe I should read a book about it! Maybe I should interview others about how they do it.

Though I've done a bit of all the above, the truth of the matter is, you can't learn to sail by standing on the bank reading about it. And so, on Friday, I'll go down to the marina and take my first sailing lesson.

It's scary. Maybe I won't like it. Maybe I will puke everywhere. Maybe I'll tie the knots all wrong, maybe, maybe, maybe..

I stand a great chance of failing spectacularly at this. After all, I'm an OKIE. I'm more at home in a garden than in water. Water usually falls on okies...we don't go floating in it (unless it's April and there's been a big storm).

The reality is, I'm not getting any younger and if I'm going to do this thing, I better get going. In spite of the fierce realities that I won't really be a great sailor, I'll never be worse.

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