Saturday, March 26, 2005

Wrapping up Spring Break

I've taken almost an entire week, week and a half off work to handle household chores (garden, shopping, kids clothing) and will take the next day or so to get back ready for work.

I feel completely rested and revived! Bring on the last half of our fiscal year.

I watched an interview with Tennessee Women's BBall coach Pat Summit the other night on National News. I was really impressed with her and what she has created for the basketball program at Tennessee. She's someone I'd like to read or study more about. One comment that she shared was that she has a "hard time relating to lazy ball players". I relate to that -- not with the ball players part, but the part about anybody not wanting more for themselves.

Not "more" in the financial sense...but developing their mind, developing their talents, going beyond their meager beginnings wherever that may be. Sometimes, I think it is a tragedy that here in the United States, where women are given more opportunities for education and developing themselves than practically anywhere on the globe, so many women opt for so little in self development.

I enjoy being around people -- men or women -- that read, that think and that are willing to take risks in order to grow themselves physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. This past week was a time for me to do that in all these areas.

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