Monday, January 31, 2005

Funny thing happened today...

Once a week, I attend a Toastmasters meeting, which is a group that works to build
speaking ability. I've been a member for a couple of years now and I enjoy my group very
much. Today something really funny happened ...I'll try to explain it...

Each week, there is a "table topics" session, where the table topics "master" asks questions to members of the group at random, thereby encouraging members to "think on their feet". Content is not as important as clarity. It is always an interesting part of the meeting...and one that most people dread.

It was my turn to be "table topics master"...I thought it appropriate to ask questions regarding the historic turn of events in Iraq. I figured that everyone was watching the events in Iraq as I me this is as historic an event (with as many possible consequences) as the "take down the wall" thingy with President Reagan and Gorbechev.

One of my favorite people in this really fun group was talking during my profoundly worded guess what? He got to get the question. When I called his name, he spun his head around as if he were an 9 year old math student who had forgotten his homework.

He then proceeded to do the best job of bs-ing with table topics that I've ever seen. It was, truly, a masterpiece (and I do regard myself somewhat of an expert in this domain). He was flawless, he was confident, he did the best job of saying absolutely nothing with so much drama and interest, it was Oscar-worthy.

We had a great laugh about it afterwards...and I know, paybacks are coming.

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