Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Daily Show rules

I often enjoy the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, but last night's episode was one of the best. There was a skit that they did regarding fundamentalist who take the rapture very seriously. One guy actually has an email 'service' to email those "left behind" when the rapture takes place to notify their friends of their departure. The Daily Show handled this with their usual dose of irony, satire and wit.

Here's a clip from a recent show...regarding the White House controversy and web bloggers...
Daily Show: "Fact" Obsessed Bloggers

And if you still haven't had enough of JS, then check out

Great stuff, I'm a huge fan. I'd love to be on his show, so I'm busy writing a book..and if that doesn't get me on, then maybe I'll find a scandal or something.

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