Thursday, July 14, 2005

looking towards home

today it is raining is, after all the rainy season. i have time to reflect on some things so i sit in this cyber cafe in a world so different from my own to think.

i have often been less than charitable to my american co-pats...i often think americans are ignorant and often arrogant. i often complain about taxes and government and all kinds of things that we in america often complain about.

while i won't promise that i won't be as verbose on these areas in the future, i can say that traveling even in beautiful locations provides one a chance to truly be grateful for what we have in the good old u s of a.

don't worry -- i'm not going to strike up the band with 'proud to be an american' and lee greenwood and such truck. but i am a bit more thankful for being an american after being in mexico for almost a week.

this time, i chose to do some things that the natives do -- including taking a bus, eating at off the road places and that sort of thing. i purposefully put myself in situations that i thought would help me better understand the culture of the growing latino population. i don't pretend to have the final answer on any of this but i can say for sure, i am damn lucky to have been born in america.

yes, i work hard and yes i have had many good things in my life. but most of what i have been given is truly a luck of the draw..that i was born in prosperous country with a good brain and strong back.

although there are many opportunities that may never be mine, these are mine and it must bring up the question to a thinking person, how do i give back?

that's the question i am starting to ask myself more and more...but the first step must be in simplying realizing that i am the beneificary of so much...that's where all things must start. we go from there...

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