Friday, September 01, 2006

Stuff I'm learning

1 - There's a big difference between Success and Celebrity. Celebrity is defined by others. Success is defined by me. And it's OK to change the definition from time to time.

2 - The real test of a garden is how good it looks in August. Any garden can look great in April or May.

3 - The real test of health is how good you look at 40 and beyond. Anybody can look great at 21.

4 - There is a big difference between seeing something and really observing it.

5 - Interpretation comes after seeing/observing.

6 - People who talk on cell phones while with other humans present are rude.

7 - Life is more about the questions we ask than about the answers we seek.

8 - Chocolate is good anytime, anywhere and in any quantity.

9 - Being with people you love requires little more than simply being present.

10 - Being present takes a lot of practice.

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