Saturday, August 20, 2005

Comedy Night (repeat)

I spent Friday Night doing what I love -- working in my yard and watching great comedy. Only, Comedy Central saw fit to rerun one of my favorites and then spend the rest of Holy Time (the time on Friday that is usually reserved for great stand up at Comedy Central) by filling time with South Park. I don't get those little stupid cartoons. I guess I'm not evolved enough or something but they can never, ever, take the place of great creative stand up.

So I got to watch one of my all-time favorites Adam Ferrara ( do his bit. I've seen it probably 20 times but I love it..he always makes me laugh. I love it that he can make me laugh about potpourri ("it's a bucket of mulch, lady!) and hanging pictures. Anyboy can go for shock value...Adam uses everyday things and makes me look at them in new ways which is what I love about great comedy...if it can make you laugh at your life, and mostly at yourself, then it's done its job.

As for Comedy Central, here's a tip -- if I don't get my stand up back on Friday's, things could get really ugly. Some of us comedy-addicts need our weekly fix of funny people like others might need drugs or liquor. So I'm warning you, take off the dorky kids and let the deranged humor of real people rule.

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