Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I'm more than thrilled

I just found out that an essay that I wrote will be used by the editor of www.VallartaToday.com
both for hard copy as well as for online.

Can I be completely honest -- I am more than excited! I feel like I just found out there was a Santa Clause or something like that. It's not the first essay to be published, but it certainly is the first one that is really meaningful to me. The essay actually is here at my blog under a different title (and probably not the revised, revised, revised version.)

This essay was a collaboration with me and my editor (www.jordansmuse.com) and I have to say her favorite word is REVISE. She is challenging me to go a lot deeper in my writing and it is both exciting and terrifying. Writing connects me to my deepest self and sometimes those things aren't that attractive. A great editor draws the beauty out of raw emotions and tattered ideas to create something like a mosaic -- lots of broken pieces put together in ways that are complete...not perfect, but complete. More whole because of the brokenness.

I now have a regular writing time each day along with a desktop full of folders, essays, ideas...all of these things have been rummaging around in my head for years, collecting dust and cluttering up the place. Writing brings order -- and meaning to my life. My life has been so profoundly influenced by great writers and books that being able to write something that is meaningful is a supreme privilege.

I feel extremely fortunate at this moment...hope there are more like it.

1 comment:

Jordan E. Rosenfeld said...

That was no collaboration, baby. You wrote it yourself. I just swept the dried leaves out of the gutters.

And just for clarity, my blog's address is actually: www.jordansmuse.blogspot.com