Saturday, August 27, 2005

Moments of Reassurance

I remember working until 2 a.m. once, stuffing envelopes getting ready for this event. I remember wondering how many people would even come. The event went off OK, but lots to improve and do. And I remember doing it again and again and again, constantly trying to improve it, seeing small progresses then steps back. Over and over and over again.

Today, 4 years later, I went to that event, the one that was literally birthed at my dining room table those years ago. And I saw 350 people and an event that quite literally has a life all its own. Most importantly, I attended that event and simply did that -- just attended. The event, the project, ran on its own steam with other very capable people being charged with its care. It is, alive and well and doing better than ever.

Its gratifying in those moments to stop and remember, even when no one else may recall, how something may have started. Just an idea that became energy and then motion, involving others and becoming real.

It made me stop and think -- how many current projects do I often wonder, "will this EVER get done?" Will I ever see success in this endeavor? Will it ever be finished?"

Today, I saw a glimpse, a hope. I heard a whisper that reminded me, "just keep going."
It confirms my suspicion that all great endeavors begin as a flash, first in the mind then in reality.

Or maybe, creating in the mind is the reality. Whatever the case, it was great to see something and to know deep inside, there is a part of me in this thing and a part of it in me. For me the definition of a true leader is how well things go when they are not around.

Today, that was very, very good to see.

1 comment:

Jordan E. Rosenfeld said...

I believe you are quite write about the ideas that start as a flash...and you should feel proud!
