Christmas is over.
I can't say I'm sorry. I know this sounds like a scrooge but I'm not a big fan of christmas on the whole. Somehow, the tidings of good peace and good news get lost when I'm trampled at my grocery store when I duck in to buy a single gallon of milk. Everyone is in such a good mood, the retail stores hire extra secrurity to keep people from "sharing" all their good fortune.
I actually rebelled this year against Christmas for more than just being mean-spirited. I really wanted to see if I could coast through the season and do things that were meaningful to me and those I love -- instead of being driven through the season on a tide of unrealistic expectations and ridiculous credit card bills.
I'm happy to report, that I was successful on both counts.
Of course, the leak in the garage and utility room did put a damper on some of my holiday cheer. Actually that is incorrect. The $900 repair bill to the plumber who had to work all day pounding on the house foundation to repair the leak is what really took some fun out of an otherwise interesting holiday experience.
I put my tree up on Dec 23, a good month (almost) later than usual. And you know what? I didn't enjoy it a bit less. In fact, I may have enjoyed it more, because my entire family actually helped me to decorate instead of the one-man (or woman) show that traditionally happens.
And the gifts? Well, there were less of them this year, that's true. Not necessarily because of less money but simply a desire to give to those that I love and to find new ways to give to others outside of just the one month blitzkrieg. I made a decisioin to start volunteering at a local agency that serves families in some very important ways. If I'm pumped about anything for the new year, it is the ability to use what I know about parenting to assist others.
I guess what I'm saying is that the idea of a holiday is so much bigger than one day or one week or one month. I guess what I'm trying to do is to find that spirit, that spark, that makes life meaningful and worthwhile for more than just while the eggnog is fresh. I find this idea -- the idea of revolting against the "cult of busy-ness" a particularly worthwhile endeavor. The ideas of chasing peace over prosperity, giving of oneself instead of giving another gift, the idea of finding meaning in a world that doesn't always make a lot of sense.
And, I must add here that I am above all and more than most, blessed beyond measure in ways that I too often take for granted. That leak that wrecked my mood early in December? The way I see it, at least I have a house to repair! And the fact that I could take only a few days off for being with those I care about? At least I have a job and income! There are so many wonderful things that I have been given, graces that I hardly noticed at times.
In the new year, I'm opting for less this year. Less stress, less complaining, less worry and less obsessing over things that simply won't matter in a year or two. Something about the middle of life that lets you know the clock is ticking and wasting time on things of small matter is more than a waste of time, it's a waste of heart and soul. Give that time (and heart and soul) to something -- or someone -- that truly matters.
So, as christmas's go, I'll give it about a 6. Lots of room to grow in peace this year.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
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