Saturday, March 26, 2005

Gardener's Journal - finished for now!

After almost 5 days of digging, digging and then digging some more, I've come to a brief respite with my garden. I've planted over a dozen heirloom roses including Intrigue (floribunda) Morden Ruby (regosa) along with a Peace climber. I've tried some new varieties for some added summer color.

I'm completely and utterly transfixed by roses. Once I figured out that the way to grow roses is to avoid completely the hybrid teas, I was a goner. I love going out in early morning and clipping mounds of dewey petals to bring into the house. This is a pure pleasure that summer holds for me.

There is still much to do. Retaining wall on street side, mulching all beds (after a few more rains) and still planting perennials. I've moved several shrubs, replanted them. Things are beginning to really take hold.

I'm probably "done" with re-doing beds for this season...but have new ideas ready for late fall and early spring for next year. These include a bamboo/japanese garden near back (Ellen is really excited about that idea after seeing some at the Dallas Arboretum) and a small shed/cottage with raised beds for back corner. Still, there is a pond to finish and the swimming pool that has been pushed back for later this year (again) until we get on equal footing. I've decided that my original intent for a pond/bridge and shrubs will win out over the famiily wanting to "plop" a swimming pool right off the back door. Reason? Because I don't want to look out and see a covered pool all winter! Even a winter pond is more pleasant on the eyes.

I think the pool should go out a we're working on that plan.

I'm going to rest my aching back and watch a few movies and enjoy my family for Easter. It's a joy to work hard in and around the house together and it teaches the kids that we take care of what has been given us. Also, the kids are both becoming more involved in the garden which holds a ton of life lessons that I enjoy sharing with them.

Final note on the roses: I thougth it appropriate to plant a "peace" rose as the final crown in my newly planted easter plan...I'll write more on this later.

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