Here's my top winnings from Oscar night
For best dress: Kate Winslet - thanks for being original and wearing something besides gold, white or black.
For weirdest presenter -- Sean Penn. Dude, lighten up. Chris Rock got paid for being funny at the Oscar, did you get extra $$ for being just plain wierd?
For sexiest man -- sorry, gotta go with my man Clint Eastwood on this. And he had the sense to bring his 96 year old mama to the awards with him...what a guy. Clint, you made my day.
For most beautiful woman - Hilary Swank. Ok, the "girl from the trailer park" speech was a bit hokey, but she deserved her oscar and her overall "look" was amazing. Thanks for wearing lipstick. (See below).
For most difficult trend to pull off in real life -- the long hair thing looks great when you have packs of professionals helping you with extensions, etc. And the "nude" lipstick trend...oh my gosh, have we come back to THAT? Beauty trendsetters take note: most women aren't going to balance their color enough drama on their eyes to make up for the lack of color on their lips. Please don't do this to us -- AGAIN!
Best looking tux -- Jamie Foxx, thanks for "keeping it real"..a suit even a 16 year old kid could love (and he did).
Best speech -- again, Jamie Foxx, for dedicating his oscar to his "first acting coach" his grandmother. Loved it.
Best quick come back -- when Chris Rock made fun of the Oscars trying to keep the awards simpler..."the drive in Oscars" bit was hilarious. Rock makes it clear that NOTHING is sacred...if only we'd had more time with him.
Best agent-- Beyonce must have some kind of "people" working for her to land her the "starring" role in all those music numbers. But she did show her amazing versatilty in singing and her ability for "eye candy".
Worst agent -- What'd he say? Someone get Antonion Banderas and Penelope Cruz a speech coach! It was cute at first, but I felt like I was at the Latino Academy Awards. No one is more glad than I am that spanish culture and art is now a force in our lives, but I guess I still would like to watch the Academy Awards without a spanish-english dictionary.
Overall a good evening....check out for all the dirt.
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