Sunday, January 23, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

I just viewed this movie with my husband Dan. It is a story that needs telling and the movie does an excellent

Here are some sobering facts regarding this tragedy:

Today, Rwanda's children face extreme challenges:
Rwanda is home to one of the world's largest proportions of child-headed households, with an estimated 101,000 children living in 42,000 households. These children are on-their-own either because their parents were killed in the genocide, have died from AIDS, or have been imprisoned for genocide-related crimes.
Two thousand women, many of whom were survivors of rape, were tested for HIV during the five years following the 1994 genocide. Of them 80 percent were found to be HIV positive, and many were not sexually active prior to the genocide.
By 2001, an estimated 264,000 children had lost one or both parents to AIDS, representing 43 percent of all orphans. This figure is expected to grow to over 350,000 by 2010.
More than 400,000 children are out of school.
Rwanda has one of the world's worst child mortality rates - 1 in 5 Rwandan children die before their fifth birthday.

There are so many questions that can be asked about such an event of this magnitude. Where was God? Where was the US?

I'm not sure that is the right question to ask, but it is one that does come to mind. I'm sure my feeble mind cannot encompass what happened and how it fits into any kind of logical explanation.

But this I do one awakens one day and starts hacking their neighbors. What precedes such an event of this nature is something that we all experience each day. Hate, rage when misdirected can only produce such atrocities. And so, before I go pointing fingers, I have to realize that anytime I hate I am capable of such things myself.

That's a thought that brings me up cold.

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