Saturday, December 25, 2004

New Wines

I have started learning more about wines. I am convinced that one doesn't have to be a wine snob to enjoy an ancient brew, so I'm just asking and experiementing on my own. No big lavish wine tastings or anything like that -- just finding what I like by asking those that know, usually wine merchants or just trying something for myself.

I found one Chardonnay that I really like. It is, as some might say, a "dry wine". I think it has an excellent taste. I served it with some chicken soup and also with the christmas turkey. Wonderful flavor.

Liberty School Chardonnay 2001 We blended fruit from two of the best Chardonnay regions in the state, the Santa Maria Valley and another in Monterey County in the famous Santa Lucia Highlands. There are nuances of Bartlett pear, pineapple and green apples in the nose. The finish is long, balanced and never cloying, due to its healthy acidity. BN#142502

I am also trying a wine from Rosemount Estate with roast beef later this weekend...I'll post on this later.

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