Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Contemplative Bible Reading

Most of my life, I have been given directives to "mediate upon scriputure". Yet, I can think of not one class, not one sermon that I've ever heard about the "how to" of mediating upon scripture. As with so many other aspects of what some might call a "faith walk" the part of my life that intersects with institutional religion is such a supreme disappointment. It really has discussed nothing of relevance relating to spiritual matters at all. I recently picked up a book on the topic and so far it has been quite helpful. It talks about bible reading both individually and in a group. I can't think of anyone from my church that I would want to share such an experience, but I can think of many friends/acquaintances that I could explore this idea. Most likely I will learn this discipline on my own...the book "Contemplative Bible Reading" by Richard Peace will be my personal reading for the next few days. I hope to journal/blog regarding what I learn.

NOTE: Since writing this post, I have been thoroughly enjoying my journey into this new discipline. It is perhaps one of the highlights of my spiritual journey in the past 10 years.

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